January, 2014
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This Week and Beyond 1-27-2014
Upcoming events this Week and Beyond.
- Mixer at Greek Key Restaurant on Thursday, February 6th at 7:00 PM
- Mixer at The Loft at 99 on Wednesday, February 19th, at 6:00 PM
Congratulations To 2014 Executive Committee

Executive Committee Members 2014
At the Annual Meeting last week, STYP members showed up in numbers to vote for the 2014 Executive Committee. Here are the results!
Board Members – at-large@styp.org
Not Photographed: Sabina Mora, Ryan Snyder, Chris Stanis
STYP Election Candidates for 2014

Official Candidates for the 2014 STYP Election
Vice President
Executive Commitee Board Members (9 Positions)
Thank you to all the candidates for their services to STYP.
Official voting rules are summarized in this post.
Due to the short nomination period, candidates may continue to self nominate to nominations@styp.org until January 17th.
The deadline has passed to be added to the absentee ballot.
Absentee ballots can be downloaded here as PDF and here as docx.
STYP Annual Elections

STYP Annual Elections for officer and board member positions will be held during the Annual Meeting on January 23rd at the United Way.
Positions that will be voted on include:
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Executive Committee Board Members (9 Positions)
To nominate yourself for a position and officially be on the ballot for the January 23rd elections, send the following information to nominations@styp.org by 5PM on January 10th.
- First and Last Name
- Position for which you are running.
- If you are running for an officer position, also indicate if you want to run for a board member position in the event that you do not win the officer position.
- Vision for STYP / Reason for running / Related experience. Please limit to 200 words.
- Headshot photograph (optional)
Nominations with above information will be published on the STYP website for members to review by January 11th and will be included in an information packet on election day.
Nominations will also be accepted during the meeting. These nominations will be treated as write-ins.
All candidates must be current (2014) STYP members.
Voting Rules for January 23rd Annual Meeting:
- Every candidate will have three minutes to introduce themselves.
- Only current (2014) STYP members can vote. Members will be required to sign in to receive a ballot. Memberships can be purchased at the Annual Meeting or on the STYP website. Renew your membership now!
- Voting will occur in one round. Candidates who run for both an officer position and a board member position will be removed from the board member ballot in the event that they win the officer position.
- Absentee voting is allowed by mail in ballot. It is recommended to mail ballot 10 days prior to election to ensure delivery before the Annual Meeting. Ballots received after the meeting will not be counted. Further instructions and absentee ballots can be downloaded here as PDF and here as DOCX.
This Week and Beyond 1-1-2014

Start the new year with STYP!
- Mixer at Zona & Co. Grille on Wednesday, January 8th at 6:00pm
- Annual Meeting on Thursday, January 23rd at 7:00pm (Mixer at Sliderz after meeting.)
- Mixer at Greek Key Restaurant on Thursday, February 6th
T-Shirts with our new logo will be available for purchase at all events. We accept cash, check, and all major credit cards.
Shirt Prices:
Members: $15/shirt
Non-Members: $20/shirt