March, 2014
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This Week And Beyond 3-24-2014

Upcoming events this Week and Beyond.
- Dinner Club at Moxie Wood Fire Grill Wednesday, March 26, 7:30 PM
- Speed Networking for a Cause / Chamber Mixer at Holiday Inn, March 27 from 5 PM to 7:30 PM.
- Mixer at Mad Moose on Thursday, April 3rd at 6:00 PM.
- The Color Run Binghamton on Saturday, April 6th at 9:00 AM.
- Planning Meeting on April 7th at 7:00 PM.
- BLI Class of 2014 Trivia Night Fundraiser Saturday, April 26 at 5:00 PM
This Week And Beyond 3-18-2014

Upcoming events this Week and Beyond.
- River City Toastmasters Meeting on Thursday, March 20th from Noon to 1:00 PM at Lesko Financial.
- Mother’s and Babies Celebrity Fashion Show on Thursday, March 20th at 5:30 PM
- Mixer at Burger Monday on Thursday, March 20th at 7:00 PM.
- Dinner Club at Moxie Wood Fire Grill, Wednesday March 26, 7:30 PM
- Speed Networking for a Cause / Chamber Mixer at Holiday Inn, March 27 from 5 PM to 7:30 PM.
- The Color Run Binghamton on April 6th at 9:00 AM.
- Planning Meeting
Become an Active Member!
As part of our efforts to make STYP more professional, we have created five ad hoc committees. The committees exist to define key issues and commit to solutions for their particular sector. The committees will run their sectors under the aegis of the Board of Directors.
Here are the committees, their chairman or chairwoman, and description.
Civic: Organizing and promoting volunteer events (Hilltop Social, Dick’s Open, Spiedie Fest, Bridge Run, etc). Chairman: Greg Roberts –
Members, we would love for you to be actively involved in these committees!
This is your chance to help STYP reach the next level. Please contact whoever leads the committee you are interested in for more information.
Deadline for joining is C/O/B on Friday, March 21.
We look forward to partnering with you to make this year STYP’s best ever.
This Week And Beyond 3-10-2014

Upcoming events this Week and Beyond.
- Party with a Purpose
- River City Toastmasters Meeting on Thursday, March 20th from Noon to 1:00 PM at Lesko Financial.
- Mother’s and Babies Celebrity Fashion Show on Thursday, March 20th at 5:30 PM
- Mixer at Burger Monday on Thursday, March 20th at 7:00 PM.
- Speed Networking for a Cause / Chamber Mixer at Holiday Inn, March 27 from 5 PM to 7:30 PM.
- The Color Run Binghamton on April 6th at 9:00 AM.