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RESCHEDULED: STYP Annual Meeting Tuesday, January 26th- Open to All!
UPDATE: Due to unforseen technical issues, this meeting has been rescheduled to 2/24/2021. New details incoming.
STYP’s Annual Meeting is this upcoming Tuesday, January 26th, at 6pm on Zoom. Come tune in to hear about upcoming events and the future of STYP! Members and non-members alike are welcome!
Zoom Information:
Meeting ID: 989 7724 3568
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,98977243568# US (New York)
Final STYP Quarterly Meeting of 2020: December 29th @ 6pm on Zoom
STYP’s final quarterly meeting of the year will be on Tuesday, 12/29/2020 @ 6pm on Zoom. Tune in to hear what we’ve been doing and our plans for the future– in addition to letting your own voice be heard! Must be a current member to vote!
We will be having a giveaway during the event, open to current members!
Not currently a STYP member? Join today to be able to vote. Membership details (and sign up) can be accessed here:
Zoom Information:
Zoom ID: 995 4216 2094
One tap mobile +19292056099,,99542162094# US (New York)
STYP Quarterly Meeting: Wednesday, Sept. 30th @ 6pm on Zoom– ALL INVITED
STYP welcomes you to our upcoming quarterly meeting next Wednesday, Sept. 30th at 6pm via Zoom. Join us to learn what our Board has been planning and to hear about upcoming events/opportunities– in addition to letting your voice be heard. Input from our community is always welcome– let us know what you’d like to see from STYP!
Join Zoom Meeting
Dial-in number: +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
One-tap mobile: +19292056099,, 92190476707# US (New York)
Meeting ID: 921 9047 6707